ADULATION AND ADORATION Obviously these two words have got me confused, because they have often been abused and misused. But I am committed to one’s annihilation but the inhalation of one has led to much tribulation. It’s funny that we say we love God and still love the things of the world. It’s strange that we get acclimatize to all these wonderful praise songs but cannot go to bed without a cool soothing music from Tray Songz. It’s funny how many people want to honor God but few want to know him? Because for many salvation is just a heavenly subscription. It’s weird we catch the vision of heaven and its glorious inscription. But fail to see the basics of the Spirit or His description. Adulation is the clearly exclaimed word whose overemphasis almost sweeps me off my feet. For adulation kills but adoration brings life. Adoration fills but adulation is that backstabbing life. The teak-tree of confusion within our Christian lives lies in the trickery bet...