Obviously these two words have got me confused, because they have often been abused and misused. But I am committed to one’s annihilation but the inhalation of one has led to much tribulation. It’s funny that we say we love God and still love the things of the world. It’s strange that we get acclimatize to all these wonderful praise songs but cannot go to bed without a cool soothing music from Tray Songz.
It’s funny how many people want to honor God but few want to know him? Because for many salvation is just a heavenly subscription. It’s weird we catch the vision of heaven and its glorious inscription. But fail to see the basics of the Spirit or His description.
Adulation is the clearly exclaimed word whose overemphasis almost sweeps me off my feet. For adulation kills but adoration brings life. Adoration fills but adulation is that backstabbing life.
The teak-tree of confusion within our Christian lives lies in the trickery between these two words because many crave to honor God but fail to reach its full potential since we are turned back and set into orbit for the same old roller-coaster of honoring ourselves.
For instance its strange we say we are Christians, this jazz of a jargon seems to be a common echo between the masses, with few practice because what makes us Christians is not realized , since even attending church becomes a common debate  among deluded Christian elite who claim church is just a secondary part of a Christian life. But fail to ask themselves, who calls himself a professional without working in real life?
It looks like God is the lower note while we play the sharp key, thinking we see sharp because we want to be of importance, yet God should be the center of it all as I surrender seem to be the anthem of this generation but the crave-receiving, pleasure-seeking generation will rather not offer themselves. So I surrender is just and antitheses to the phrase.” Aye Sir! Render”.
Adoration talks of deep love and respect but the fog in our eyes clouds our view with excitement and God seems only as a means to the realization of a fantasies.  The hype on Social Media seem to be what is unnecessary or celebrities who have never celebrated a millennium yet are called Stars. And it’s funny cos we drew the pie chart of our heart so correctly which is surprising for how imperfect we look so while one half on this insatiable circle seem to be  focused on God, another half seem to be pointed out 0straight at you.
But this is what we must restore like the season of autumn revealing the fresh sundews of the summer, let’s turn back the side of time by playing focused and giving what belongs to a Roman Emperor to him and send our praise shouting back like the bullet speed of a Space X rocket across the galaxies to an awaiting God who is expectant and ready to receive it all.
Because I am tired of seeing Christians who have made a car their dream and do not even catch the vision of the speeding corruption around them when they wake up. I am tired of ladies who think their beauty is shot up by the ‘expensitivity’ of their makeup.
My eyes are weary of gazing clearly like the magnification of a microscope the devastation caused by so called Christians who think politics is another means to glorify themselves and cause impact but have never faced and impact of what we go through by preaching the gospel.
It’s time for a recap, being an academician does not make you creator. For the god of this world is another exiled servant from the realm of a holy God. And all praises must be accorded him. For delusions of handsomeness is just a direct manifestation of our self-centeredness.
Let us take the Bible and read and stop appearing as religio-models. For the necessary remains necessary and the vital remains vital. The Gospel remains the Gospel and God remains God.
My weary eyes have seen with shock at a world that raised emphasis on what seem so unimportant. And it’s weird because for once I finally get what these teachers preach. We have always been human they say. We just came to be Sons of God. For it looks like God has had to fight his way in a planet he took a week to orchestrate because a timely meal to be eaten up  on our time table and has to use his Sovereignty to make an SOS call, through his SON who even paid for the attention we had to.
Our focus on money has been an eruptive, picking and swirling and picking like a speedy tornado over every spiritual desire and leaving us struck with amnesia of chrousive verses like “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God” and well you know what the next is. Because each one of us seek for something, but the difference is what appears at the beginning of the index on the number line. For if God is second, then we in our shallow mind have lost track of the basic maths, because as far as I know God is greater than you.
Well.. I don’t know but Adoration and Adoration’s issue may forever be another drama, but fixing these two words will forever be a melodrama.


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