It was around 3:00am in the morning. I sat on a horny looking, ivory seat. I was tired, my day had been filled with exhaustion but the tasks ahead was laid with compulsion. It was a time craved for, the splash of diverging madness had fizzled. I was alone in the darkness, no there was switched electrical bulb around me so I think saying that will be madness. I was alone, the presence of heaven had descended, like heaven had laid down the palanquin of its grace on my laps. I could feel his presence emanate from every corner of the room. I knew He was in the room, because this beam could not be shot with such radiance without its source being candid.   I was caught in worship, my praise emanating like a feeble child looking with dim eyes in his mother’s bosom. Wish this could never end. An avalanche of love surrounded me. I need not enroll for any lesson. The Holy Spirit was there in Person. I looked over the table, my laptop seem to be puffing out the oracles of a Holy God. Wow, I was being made holy, for the right ingredients of perfection had been satisfied. My flesh lay in confusion for once it had been neglected, its desires not gratified. I knew I was fit for heaven for I am perfect for perfection was where I was. For many were asleep and I had stayed to be with a Holy God.
Suddenly the tide turned, my joy faded for there around me, my wondering pupil had met something secular. Another world had caught up uninvited. I gasped back in horror. It felt so sinless, my proof was clear, the heavy dew on my head had gone less. I was clueless, not of events but what to do next.
The blood- no not the blood, the blood was not strong enough. For the blood is used on a Sunday morning, when we are beautiful at church with a nice cloth adorning. The blood works there, because the blood perfects you when you are already perfect. When you are in worship or when you haven’t sinned in six weeks.
No, I need something concrete, I took my Bible, yes – a Bible, reading Genesis to Revelation could send me back to a Holy God, for I could be counted a Rabbi , for I had read a Holy Book, perhaps the Holy Spirit will love me if I have my scriptures back.
It seemed these was not working either. I jumped from my seat in sweat. For I felt my wisdom was less, needed something stronger to wipe away my dirt. For an unclean thing had touched my garment and there was no way I could fashion out another model of this holy raiment.
Then like the swift escapade of a thrilling adventure my world came back to view. My hands still shone with glory. My mind had changed but my state wasn’t. I was still perfect but I had I been thinking. I had not felt his presence, but never signed his absence. For there I was shining like a glittering diadem, rubbed by a newly sown cloth. He had been speaking to me for long but I had never been listening. Telling me He loved me but the point had gone missing. For I had configured him in my mind. According to my culture and according to my might. For God looked English cos I was English, and He was French for I was French. He looked back at me, cos He had always been I was insecure cos I had missed the unseen. For God’s greatness had been measured by the diameter of Planet Earth. But because he said,
Greater is He that lives in you than He that lives in the world has never made God five feet tall. His love is always measured by our working righteousness. Yet he had been watching us while we acted on the stage of unrighteousness and got trapped in our unrighteous nets. Let’s go to him to show us perfection, cos our retina is wrong about heaven’s perception. For in my case I had been caught in these age-old self-hurting frenzy, for God to our beliefs was sheer folly, telling me I was unworthy. For once against sin I had been entangled and tossed about like another of its deceived dice. But the truth had fastened on tight, cos I wasn’t strapped of my armour of light. But God will rather love us to see Him in the right view and come when we feel the guilt of a sinner. Cos if we are gone missing while he still setting up the dinner, then the Love of God IS MISCONSTRUED.


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