
Showing posts from March, 2016


AND THEY GAVE HIM TO DRINK WINE MINGLED WITH  MYYRH                    Indeed even throughout the toughest of all his  earthly experiences the Man Of Sorrows refuses to kowtow to the demands of his great adversaries. So great was his predicament that   wine and myrrh seem to  be   the only comfort to a weary and saddened soul. Yet even in the most discomforting of all situations, the Son of God refuses to accept the displeasing offer of his foes. For a man in pain, will myrrh not  provide the requisite analgesic effect needed to feel numb? Will not the fermented  taste of wine not  cause not so much drowsiness that he can forget his immense grief? Is he not the man with a “shattered spirit”?  Betrayed by close friends, dejected by men, forsaken of his Father he throws away the last treat offered by a dying world. Nay, h...

For He himself knew what to do

FOR HE HIMSELF KNEW WHAT TO DO Surely it would seem so much suprising that the one who brings so much grascious light to the world would enquire of a mere helpless human "what do we do?" The irony of the question will thus suprise even angels who know the exceeding power of the Son of Man...but here our assurance is restored for the Spirit reveals His heart.."He knew what to do"..The One who sets great miracles surely mocks at our anxieties laughs at our fears for "he knows the plans he has for us"..He will rather find himself in a coxy place asleep in the boat  than see us frightened by the storms of life..He asks us not for an answer for he knows our answer anyway for at the least our short-sighted eyes will cause us to only proclaim "Oh Sovereign Lord only Thou knowest" He whose going forth has been since the beginning always has a plan. Rest assured therefore my soul for though the waters driest my shepherd surely ...KNOWS WHAT TO DO Love...

Who hath translated us

WHO HATH TRANSLATED US It will be extremely saddening on our our path to ignore such a text for it totally stretches the doctrine of change in nature as the pinnacle of the process of salvation to a new level. The word 'translated' is also translated 'transfer' or transpose. This unbelievable truth makes sporofite the delusion of us partaking in the pleasures of the world. We are not changed in our minds but transferred to a realm surrounded by a large crowd of witnesses, we commune with an innumerable company of angels and we thus associate with just men made perfect..we walk in the light so we shall not fulfill the desires of the flesh. Called to be saints, we stay atop the mount and our only time to descend is when we ought to beckon  a coward Aaron also to approach it too. We who were ignorant of divine things,take heed to ourselves that we may save them that hear us for we can at anytime be translated again back to the caravan of the Ethiopian eunuch into the worl...


WHO IS THE SWORD OF THY EXCELLENCY The condescension of the facts remain certain for these words are rendered to them that have the surety of the covenant. For surely the whole array of creation awaits the manifestation of the children of God. Excellence remains a true expectancy of the born Christian for he is enveloped even like a chrysalsis with love, he is fed with the victuals of heaven and strengthened with the wine of the Spirit. Great hope perforates the hardened mask of this tough world on the thought of these.This great question is asked of by many and many answers may be provided, for some trust in horses and others in their chariots. To some in their mights and others in their power.Pride troddles down the feet of one who walks in great delusion. For the believer it is not so for" who is like unto him..he is saved of the Lord".He is fathered by one who "shall beat down his foes before his face". Even in great challenge..he has a promise beyond...for One...


I AM THE LORD My mind blazes afar when my feeble thoughts fights to grasp upon this truth that stains the volumes of the Bible. I AM THE LORD. Many have not paused to wonder why the Lord will always state this truth after his statements.  Perhaps to many it is God stating His authority. True however this may be... a certain kind of assurance seem to be beaming up from this scripture. For the Levites, it was said of them...AND I SHALL BE YOUR INHERITANCE. This puts our mind to so much rest...the reason why God will reference his own name is to tell the believer that He will forever be for Him. He will surely stand in the midst of turbulence in His defense for He is the Lord His God. Even to the one that forgets his love and statutes it is a reminder that He is still in control. Even when the world is shaken the believer must know He is the Lord. He will be exalted among the heathens, He would be exalted in all the earth. Come O happy believer and bow before thy maker for He is...

Starting out

Well interest is pertinent each affair and Sidewalls with Peeman provides the best thought provoking sequences.You can't always beat the drill and you sure know its real because its still Love- Peeman Arthur