Who hath translated us
It will be extremely saddening on our our path to ignore such a text for it totally stretches the doctrine of change in nature as the pinnacle of the process of salvation to a new level. The word 'translated' is also translated 'transfer' or transpose. This unbelievable truth makes sporofite the delusion of us partaking in the pleasures of the world. We are not changed in our minds but transferred to a realm surrounded by a large crowd of witnesses, we commune with an innumerable company of angels and we thus associate with just men made perfect..we walk in the light so we shall not fulfill the desires of the flesh. Called to be saints, we stay atop the mount and our only time to descend is when we ought to beckon a coward Aaron also to approach it too. We who were ignorant of divine things,take heed to ourselves that we may save them that hear us for we can at anytime be translated again back to the caravan of the Ethiopian eunuch into the world founded by the Son of God.Though the current draws us to permeate through the portals of this sinful world, truly we remain obstinate, for we are set as monuments in the temple of him who TRANSFERRED US FROM DARKNESS INTO THE KINGDOM OF HIS BELOVED SON
Love- Peeman Arthur
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