Indeed even throughout the toughest of all his earthly experiences the Man Of Sorrows refuses to kowtow to the demands of his great adversaries. So great was his predicament that wine and myrrh seem to be the only comfort to a weary and saddened soul. Yet even in the most discomforting of all situations, the Son of God refuses to accept the displeasing offer of his foes. For a man in pain, will myrrh not provide the requisite analgesic effect needed to feel numb? Will not the fermented taste of wine not cause not so much drowsiness that he can forget his immense grief? Is he not the man with a “shattered spirit”? Betrayed by close friends, dejected by men, forsaken of his Father he throws away the last treat offered by a dying world. Nay, he would rather be a “glorious crown of flowers for his people who survive”. He would endure pain for the “joy that was set before him”.Yea the Son of God for whom it pleased the Father for “his fullness to dwell in” would rather forsake the pleasurable demands of this world and hang to his rugged cross. Well, another grascious gospel says vinegar, all context seems the same…the Son of God will never drink anything that is unworthy of his “wineskin” This is for the believer a great lesson…No one desiring to trample the winepress with his Master will be willing to combine whatever appears good and bad, no unworthy music, transgressing movies nor corrupt communication should be seen springing up from the inner capillaries of our redeemed arteries. We should seek for that which is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely,of good report and praiseworthy. Let us fight on and trample upon the winepress and splash the blood of our foes on our garment….knowing surely that we acquire a great allergy to any WINE MIXED WITH MYRRH
Love- Peeman Arthur
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