For He himself knew what to do
Surely it would seem so much suprising that the one who brings so much grascious light to the world would enquire of a mere helpless human "what do we do?" The irony of the question will thus suprise even angels who know the exceeding power of the Son of Man...but here our assurance is restored for the Spirit reveals His heart.."He knew what to do"..The One who sets great miracles surely mocks at our anxieties laughs at our fears for "he knows the plans he has for us"..He will rather find himself in a coxy place asleep in the boat than see us frightened by the storms of life..He asks us not for an answer for he knows our answer anyway for at the least our short-sighted eyes will cause us to only proclaim "Oh Sovereign Lord only Thou knowest" He whose going forth has been since the beginning always has a plan. Rest assured therefore my soul for though the waters driest my shepherd surely ...KNOWS WHAT TO DO
Love- Peeman Arthur
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