The Gospel According To My Generation

I see the clouds parting of light beaming to reveal a large view.It makes sense but then it doesn't.For I stand in the intermediary of the past and the present.
Coming closer as the day approach but where are they, for I see none.
Where were they as Abraham departed from the land of the unknown into the place God has shown.As the church travelled in the midst of great distress,  battled from every side, parting great seas hoping to find its rest.
Where were they as men like Gideon came into view,charging with men whose victory was assured by signs with dew shaking the earth with skills and with great zeal.For I see none.
Where were they as Daniel prayed for 21 days only for his prayers to be delayed.Where were they as men struggled to repair a relinquished church,  shattered by broken walls, believed not to survive.Where I ask inquisitively,as men prayed for a Saviour,  begging for one they could adore,waiting patiently for the one who cometh in the Name Of The Lord.
Take me to the next picture. Sadly, they are not here too.
For there He is,  growing in stature and favour with men,fulfilling prophesies yet untold.There He is surrounded by a group of young men, with clouds over their eyes, unable to behold the truth about the one they walk with. As he walked on water,deexisting infirmities,and placing demons under threat.My people seem not to be here for he hangs on the cross alone,that dark and gloomy day as demons charged, filled with folly and self praise..not knowing they have just- been- played.

Now I see them, it is the beginning of a new day, the expectations of the old.This is real, I see it, that great day of Jezreel.The earth shakes in impatience,for these are they they have heard of. A chosen race, a royal priesthood,a holy nation.They stand to proclaim the wonderful works of the one who called them out of darkness into his marvelous light. Hell gazes in bewildered,one demon laments to another,"are these not the descendants of the ones who have put the earth in fear".Yes they are, they advance like darkness spreading upon the mountains.There has never been anything like it.Like fire they consume their enemies.In front of them is like the Garden of Eden but behind them is a barren desert.Nothing escapes them.
The charge of heaven is deafening,angels summoned to take their positions.For this is the great day of the Lord.Running like horses,they leap over mountains .Hold me tightly for the camp of the Lord is great.
The whole array of creation awaits the manifestation of the Sons Of God.This is the generation of them that love God.Shhh!!But they know not,for they are pressed from every side,deceived to think they fail but they know not.Tell them Elijah that there surrounds them a host of angels craving to be of service.Tell them, that there approach four capernters.Tell them,that they are the workmanship of the one who predestinated their call. If not tell them that He leads them in the battle Himself.
I see a great day when His people fight with him till He makes his enemies into his footstool. I see an Evangelist rising, a teacher studying to show himself approved. I stand in a far place where the light seems so bleak.With the volumes of the book opened,taking a peep.
For there is a news that has never been told to the nations and that is the GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MY GENERATION.
                   Love-Peeman Arthur


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