==chrysalsis of Love==

I looked through the vast expanse of  eternity
As  I walked from the beginning to the pre-beginning to catch a glimpse of the beginning
But nothing began without its creator bearing record
As light permeated the pores of darkness, it bloated and burst out with splendour and radiance
A loud noise echoed as creation errupted from non-existence
As days turned from events but my record could not  find the solution to a question perculiar
Where was love when the woman cried out of pain in birth
Where was love when the moon met the sun and asked to be its correspondence on earth
Where was love when the lions preyed among the jackals with a 'medula' of dominance
As the wild gave birth to the wild without even a portion of romance
It looked like love was so far away like eternity had housed him up in its kraals of darkness
Where was love when the terrorist flung its guns against its victim in order to please HIs Lord
Love watched as the tender looking baby got abandoned in the cold weather to be carressed by an
abhoring seeming cold wind
It looked like love was an emblem that had no meaning
Its value devalued by an economy dictated by sin
It acts replaced by rites as laws replaced men conscience as to what is right
I looked love was a spectacle that only magic could bring, a happy ever after,
another gleaming fantasy, a mirage that brings back a soothing effect to numb our pains to the realities
of this world.
For us love was a mystery, a shapeless element we could not grasp as it switched its description like the amoeba
beneath our microscope
Sad for love was under the earth crust but we walked without realizing the gold beneath our feet. Yes for us love
was the planet the hubble of our hearts could not telescope. Another unpublished book. For when we saw
the husband strangle his own wife to death, we knew that love was a world we would never know
But love had been looking at us from a distance , as he saw as suffering and he saw our pain and our burden,
Love came down from heaven and overshadowed a virgin
Know that love never raised its chandaliers of hope above you
For love was never the candles that  lit up when a man looked through the eyes of a woman and said I love him
But love was always around you
You see it wrapped ourselves in our cloaks devoid of beauty as we looked at him with suspiscious face and accusing eyes and said "You are guilty"
Love aimed to hold our hands and lead us to the light, but we blurted out in anger and said "You have no right"
Love aimed to bear our shame and disgrace but we gripped his hands in hate
Love aimed to set the record straight but we argued in debate
Love flung himself in our heart but we rejected him after we had been rejected by our friends
Love was there in our quest as we suprisingly kept looking for love
Love responded to our questions and defended our mistake
Because that is what love does, it strips you of your disgrace
It crawled himself under our skins as it bore the feelings our infirmities
But we laughed at his humility and said love could never reached this level of insanity
We mocked him but love never seem to give up on his agenda to rescue us
Love became lonely as men as we looked at one another in delusional glory without realizing it was the highest
form of hate
We defined him in our minds and thought he could come like a comet shooting out from the celestial
Our glasses fogged and blurred as we could not see his image form in our dyslexia
Love aimed to set us free but we appreciated our bondage and sought for the dysfunctional
Love looked in tears as his every attempt was met with resentment for the eternal
Love was arrested by the people he had come to love
Love was charged by the same criminals he had come to defend
As his message of separation was distorted as an attempt to help us unfriend our friends
You see love was never a medalion or a gold bar
Love was just a gentleman who seem to come from so far
Love was the amazing  bells that rung in the church as cheers filled the sanctuary with holy matrimony
Love was not amazing music nor the perfect note the songbird reached as it sang in pride and harmony
Love wore clothes that every commoner could buy
Love left his comfort and opted for a choice to die
Love stepped in the land of hate to give it a try
Love never thought of losing you no that option never applied
This is my point ladies and gentlemen
That for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son
He saw your suffering, he saw your pain, but this had never been His plan


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