Worship is the grace of God established
Worship reveals his ways
Worship is Christianity in practice
It tells us what we missed when caught in earth delusional sways.
It is the anchor of the broken,
it is the strength of every man
It is knit with certainty,
assures man of God's plan
It flings the doors to heaven open Offers for us every chance
To enter the throne of grace with boldness and not with shivering arms
It is the hope that man is acceptable to God and he takes pleasure in him
Worship brings hope to man, and how better heaven will be
But if the hope is truly not seen, then stay and wait for God
To place you back in a worship spot.

Worship is the signal of God's presence
It is the commission of his wil
l It is his thirst being quenched,
it is the completion of his fill
Worship is the example shown by Jesus,
it the value of the blood
Worship is man getting close to God,
it is the reception of His lads
It is what make him cry, what makes him rejoice with singing
It is what stops time, and keeps us plugged in thinking
It is what makes God special, and makes him omnipotent
Yes Worship has always had it power, it has always remained potent.
It's is the psalmist anthem, its is the soloist praise.
It is the christian's banner, it is the missionary's phrase
But worship without boldness, leads one in perturbed doubt.
But worship starts in faith, if not, please worship not

Worship has been an old age heavenly tradition, that needs no earthly rendition
Worship is man casting himself to God, into his full submission
Worship is not cluster of noise and music, nor shouts or jazz of clays.
Worship is the expression of man's emotions towards the ancient of Days
Worship is what being human is all about
But if it doesn't come from a holy God, then please worship not
For worship with God starts and ends in him It is the encompasses his whole nature,
it shows our trust in Him
Worship is the praise of a King, worship is the amplification of his splendor
Worship is that carved out stone of God, it is the fulfillment of his pleasure
Worship is leaving the land you have known, and being a virtuous Lot
Worship is not a ritualistic appeal, nor another Jewish plot
It is most imperative to understand what worship is
But if it does not begin with a heart of love, then please worship not.


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