It is a full turbo, lasting under the glimmer of light.
Finding my way, full blocking.
I am caught up in the maze of ideas, ‘sensoring’ under every neuron trying to feel my way around like I need a parental guidance.
Many ideas pouring down like a tidal wave, foot switched, rocking myself in the chair of love presenting my thoughts as a gift and wrapping my mind around it.
Turntables, spinning off as one opinion passes on its node to the next like a covalent bond of intuition.
Can’t figure it out? Maybe that’s the plan.
For an understanding has been the bedrock, swimming under the seabed of our identity, trying to make us writers, creators, inventors and people of a higher understanding.
An understanding is not to make us stand down but stand over questions shooting at us like a burning asteroid meeting a SpaceX flight at an intersection.
But would our minds meet?
Because you seem far away like houses in a real estate, though we are close, we’ve never met.
Or do you understand the gravity of the issue?
For its supposed to be quick but we are too slow to get the algebra of life, the physics of our matrimony and the complexity of our lusts.
One day, someone tried to explain lust and that was our biggest question.
Of how we were told never to touch a tree, but we tried to understand.
Maybe we were not ready, maybe we were not made for it.
For sin was above our charisma, our chief-soaked intelligence as it battled us with imaginations.
We could not understand God as he tried to compel us to come to him.
To seek him with all we have. To be holy as he wants us to be but it was difficult.
Difficult to understand how a world so perfectly shaped could develop lumps of pain and death.
As each one of us tried to understand each other’s hopes, each other’s desires.
Like a man trying to subject his mind to interpret the character of a woman. Hmm!. That’s who we are.
That he shall make him of a quick understanding.
How precious could this be?
Because we need it like our addiction to vodka, we need hope like our breads need margarine.
Butter. Fear not Pee, Not.
So we need a teacher, we need one to purge us, help us understand the mystery of this world for they are hard to understand.
How does this economy work because I am bridled with pride to let myself be taught?
But I know nothing.
Logged into How Stuff Works, search for me like Quora, pinning my interest.
Y’all interested, in resolving the issue.
This issue of war, who’s gonna stop it?
Who is going to cool down the raging seas of woes unless a man comes?
Stop this madness because I don’t understand and we all don’t either because I am wrought. It’s supernatural.
Look there, a mother quarreling with her wife, an understanding.
Look there, the student feel he is dumb, an understanding.
Oh here, the projection is complex, an understanding.
The economy growing wild, an understanding.
We know Daniel prayed for 21 days for an understanding.
Well, maybe, God has a plan. He shall send his son to give us a three year tutorial on how God thinks or a son of God should be.
Think like God, an orientation into the disposition of heaven. First class. First born. Ultra modern
. Yh beam me up Scotty. For I know you want me to understand how much you want me to love you.
I understand what it means to be a shepherd. Yes I do.
Sad our minds, our thoughts, are so far away from him, I hope it bridges it and envelopes us in the chrysalis of love.
For my:- mind shallow, wax wallow, waxing under the depravity due to my ignorance.
Can I understand the blood? Can I understand his love.
Can I understand the one who rose from Calvary for me.
He broke my chains, squashed my thoughts and beckoned me into the quadrangle of His grace.
Fear not for I have come to give you life in abundance.
Fear not for I have come to give you an understanding into hidden mysteries.
I have seen your tears as you have tried to understand the questions around you.
But I have come to give you life bridging you from your distance between God and the earth.
I have come to give you hope. Fear not Son. I hope you understand. I hope you truly do.

Written By: Peeman Arthur Spoken Word Artiste/Poet


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