ETERNAL IN THE HEAVENS Beyond the floating clouds,lay many treasures unknown to man. For the earth lies hanging in the vast expanse of an unearthed universe.But somewhere beyond where Leviathan has ever tread, remains a hope inexperienced by no man. I sought for a place where the fantasies of creative beings have never imagined.It is where angels throng with glorified men,where weary men rest. A green land covered by the pastures of soothing grass. It is where God exists and the Province of Earth unnoticed in the courts of his Eternal Council. It is where the lions lie with the lamb. There where the beautiful songs emanate from the tightened strings of softly tenderly struck harps.It is where the Sun sets over the River Euphrates and reflects back a glorious splendour. It is where Generals harbour, after fighting the dark battles on earth with few able to reflect the tales of their sunken past. It is where crowns are given, more sparkling than the corundum and eternally preserving more than the Moisanite. Here the victuals of Grace, spread on favourably tables. In this land, far unknown by the sight of mortal men, is where swords are laid down and peace is cherished more than any virtue.Where a deafening introduction is made of them that have purified themselves in the blood of the Lamb at the amphitheatre of a mass heavenly host. My pen cannot describe the hope that lays away for princes that have walked on foot, where unloved men are accepted in the Beloved. Here, priests are clothed and enveloped in humbling garments. For this be where many have craved for, but let it be known to men that lay below on the dusty layers of this weathering earth, that the cloud of darkness nor the temporal troubles is nothing more compared to the glory that lays ahead. For there remains a Grace far beyond the riches displayed in earthly times. For if our habitation on this land be taken away from us, there remains one,covered by the tenderly hands of a loving God, truly, A LIFE ETERNAL IN THE HEAVENS LOVE-Peeman Arthur Dedicated to Kwabena Acheampong University Of Ghana, Legon


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