MY NAME IS EL My name is EL. My name is the identity that identifies me. Heaven is my throne your lowly habitat my footstool. I cannot be moved from one temple to another and it’s funny how sometimes you think you can re-place me. I shine my energy to feed the Sun, the sun gives source to the moon to provide you with light in your darkness. So you do realize I could sight you from a long-distance to heal your darkness-blinded heart of its short-sightedness. I am the root of all creation, yet you people still consider me a missed tree no wonder you view me a mystery. I am the definition of who you are or could ever be. I am your Jireh, Rophe, Your Nissi, Your Mikkadesh.I bring you to still waters too cool you down from your thirst. Yes I am your Rophe. I orchestrate events before they take place and I make no mistakes, so before time my oracles that do not lie predicted that in time to come surely EL-shall-die. (El-Shaddai). I am the one that created you but you seem to be the subject when we meet. We crave to tell you of our amazing plans but we talk to you in ways you could understand, no wonder my Son whispers in my ears each time, “Father’s let’s Hello-Him”.(Elohim). I am always there for you. So know that whenever you are feeling low and rejected and depressed because of life’s difficulties, remember, I am the first alphabet when you think of love. My name is EL. Yes. My name is EL. I stretch forth the heavens and turn it into a firmament, I spread forth the Earth and that which cometh out of it. I make mountains into plain land and I turn them into streets of gold. For your sake. I have existed from before time began. I have seen my creation make the same mistakes over-and-over-again. I have been constrained by my love and mercy. I have looked from a distance how you have made dust of my creativity through your evil imaginations. I have been blamed for things I had no hand in, but I have curved and clipped the wings of destruction of this fractured world and turned events around to gravitate towards my initial plan. I am the answer - to the puzzles that’s left unraveled in your daily courses of life. I am the hope, your destiny. I am the wings that soars up to the bright light of your desperate cravings and wishes. I never give up, no- not on you so even after your mistakes, I sent my Son to die for you, to make all things new. Cos I am the Master of Life and Death, the Adonai. No wonder it took three days for your unintelligent masters to realize that I-don’t die (Adonai). I have so many things to describe myself, but I will do everything in a step, like the construction of a logo, to bring you to a picture of myself. So in case you are wondering where I will be. Know I will be leaving in your heart, My Son and I. Two. His First and Last letter of His name makes up the spelling of my name. Yes. God With Us. Just know my child, always.MY NAME IS EL. Love- Peeman Arthur.


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