
So what category do you belong
You may find one, be given one from the moment you were born
Categories are our trademarks, our birthmarks and our IDs to walk on earth
Its our thumbprint, our handles and the post on our walls we cant forget
Our personality relies on them and our presence is made from its worth
To some you are a girl, to some he is a boy
This transcends to your respect,whether you brought sadness or joy
To some he is rich, to some he is poor
To some you are righteous or a sinner from our fall
It is our index on the number line,whether we are greater than or less than
Somehow this restricts you or gives you a shot at your best plan
Because you don't go according to its demand, it professes you a failure
But you know you won, it just wasn't the answer to their prayer But categories has its advantage, its not always that bad
At least we know the difference whether objects are black or white
It brings your attention to peculiar content, images playing dark or bright
Categories has always been God's tool. It has always revealed His power
But it wasn't meant to be used against him, to rebuild for Babel its towe
r It was supposed to draw us to him, to make a united variance
For every pie chart has many sectors but its still a rounded circle
Our difference was to teach us that we could be different and still be one
That we are still different paradigms of God's big plan
But what happened?
Categories stepped in , our waywardness made us live in fear
We thought of ourselves as more important. We held ourselves more precious and dear
Others were the minority and we were the majority
Who created this? We replace God with our idolatry
The practice or worshiping ourselves as more important than others
For us, a person who cannot see is considered blind and shattered
But we being blind to our own sin is normal,well, it never mattered
For category is what hypocrisy birthed with pride
For it saw a loophole in the human system and took us for a ride
But God saw through our mistake and sent us an unlabeled element
Here was someone we had never seen Here was a person of interest
For once there was someone not found within the jackpot of our labels
For he was the Son Of God, a category that rendered our system unstable.
He walked on water, healed the sick and spoke words not found in our lexicons
Here was someone we hand never seen, here was an emoji not found in the collections of our emoticons
The system repelled, its foundation shaken
For it felt insecure, for its new position was taken
He came as a teacher from God to reconcile us back
But some say he was a white man's God, others said He is for the black
Look at our nature playing in we've missed the fact
We were not even accepted, we were the buds he came to graft.
Its funny that you stick to darkness when you have seen the light
But please come on, Don't just strip a man of his Jewish right
Could this be true ,that there was someone we couldn't classify
For it was true, or sinner's testified
For he had brought them with his blood and thought them to come out of their categories
Categories of failure, weakness that had them bound to the shackles of the enemy.
But for once we could step out of a land that had had us limited
For God has made us flames of fires, we are his ministers
Now there is neither bond nor free nor male or female
For God measures the Gentiles and the Jews on the same scale
For one thing I believe, there is not category for all
For as many as believed in Him, they have become the Sons Of God
So our world could be different if we saw things from another perspective
because this is not what we are meant to be this is not subjective
The definition of yourself is not the news feed or the race quote you take pride in
But in case you don't know the one I breed from let me take the time to describe him
The God who annulled and terminated our fears in the grave and said I will be back
The God who separated the truth from the fact.
Comparing the spiritual from the spiritual.
Telling us to crave for a Kingdom and like the simulacrum of His wife He drew Lot
He took down the dialogue of our evil conversation,
changed our character and captured our souls to give his best shot
The God of mercy beyond our comprehension.
He drew the picture of love in the shape of a Middle-Eastern cross.
He said we were his image.
Asian,African, Hispanic, Jew
Caucasian, Eskimos just name a few
Leader of the Christ Movement
Each one of us has been the subject of his composition as he framed us in the beauty of his lighting at the right moment.
He caparisoned us in righteous garment.
His breath of life stunning.
Took the vampire of sin from our diaries until we represented on Clause.
A clause of unity without division. A reverberation of his affirmation.
Fast spinning the neutron star with the hope that it will shine again.
And you dare doubt that the Holy one will come again.
Come to take his people from the world. The Infinite Pedula.
He stays dazed in our sky to watch us like the Crab Nebula.
Speaking of race. He darkened the mighty districts of Egypt so light could not escape its gravitational clutches
So never let the philosophies of hell bring you down with its depressive forces
Because you are a soul winner, God breathed
A Son of God who lives
You represent a God who adores you more than you know.
Made in his image. It means you so much look alive that demons mistaken the difference.
You are his Son, his world.
Not drawn to the restrictions of your country, race, background and environment.
Because when the blood said you are complete. It never arranged for any supplement.
So hey classify me within the boxes of ideas that are hackneyed.
Because you could stick with me or you could hate me
Because I have seen a world fallen into pieces while each man picked up a scrap of his allegory
But please let me be a Son of God, not another broken pie chart of your category


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