letter from beyond many seas

=letter from beyond many seas==

Maybe the reindeer of love tried to sledge my hopes away
We were meant to be together , stick together
Indeed time travels but like Hiro Nakamura I could travel through time
And still not forget the cracks you have made on my watch
I could breathe in the sad aroma of despair because distance cannot drown the breath
of love within my heart,and render it a vaccum. You are my joy.
Our love remains the hidden feat of the world, the glory the cameras of this world have not captured.
Time keeps throwing me back to the moment I first saw you
It was like a field laced with sunflower. The radiance never wore off. The awe never left
Today we have come a long way
Indeed the oracles of God sent us on separate ways, because God could trust his favourite soldiers. He trusted you and I
It was not even the cause of the battle that kept me sane.It was the remembrance of the thought that you are still around
It has been my main motivation. It is what kept me drunk in purpose and kept me enlightened like the moon above the earth.
Your memories hang within my mind emmiting freshness of love like frankiscence upon the skin of our King
Knowledge spins off its gallant wheels to remind me of your immense beauty outlining your lovely existence.
Perharps legends have not been able to comprehend the waves of the sea. This is true since I have not been
able to comprehend the mystery that surrounds you
Floating on a perfect cloud of beauty, so dazzling I froze in amazement like a ice crystals dazzling among diamonds
Here in this far lands, each moment is intense,each strategy brings a frosted dew of suspense. Every energy is rendered
Tiredness crawls beneath our skin, frustration battles our sanity and we cling unto every breath of grace the Most High could
render His Knights
Yet sleeepless nights have caught on with me even in my weariness as my mind wanders off over distance lands thinking of you
Even demons and nephilims cannot throw a man like me into distraction, yet the silent cry of your heart has caught my attention
I heard men say that we dont cry but weeping rivers of tears runs from the pores of my heart, rushing down the bloodstream of my
soul,charging my eyes in eagerness to see you
I can't take it anymore! Chilling whispers of hope rises over my heart as I look over the sea each time hoping for the day I will see you
I love you and I will always hold on to you like a prescious stoned entwined beneath the earth. Beyond ordinary worth!
Hang on my love and till the day I l see you, I will keep my heart in perfect waiting.


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